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What Is Tastefully Minimalist?

Let’s start with a simple definition: 

Tasteful - [tāst′fəl] - adjective
showing good aesthetic judgment or appropriate behavior

Minimalist - [mĭn′ə-mə-lĭst] - noun
advocating moderation 

This description itself kind of paints the picture of who we are and what we’re about. 

We feel this definition encompasses how we embrace this lifestyle.... we keep simplicity and moderation in mind, all while not sacrificing aesthetics, style, or taste. 

Also, we try to approach minimalism as more of a philosophy rather than a specific ‘how to’, and we aim to share it with you that way as well.

We are not going to tell you to fit everything you own into a suitcase, paint all your walls white, and wear only neutral shades of clothing.

In fact, we’re not going to tell you to do anything. We are simply going to offer our story, our philosophy, and allow you to take out of it what you need.

We want to help you curate your own version of minimalism by offering all the ingredients, not by spelling out the whole recipe.

Who We Are


creative director


senior editor

Here at Tastefully Minimalist we share what we've learned along our journey towards a simpler, more meaningful life. 

Our hope is to offer some tips and advice, pulled from lessons we’ve learned and discoveries we’ve made, that will help you create more freedom, intention and control in your life. 

Why Did We Start This Blog

We reached a point in our lives where we were truly drowning in ‘stuff’. 

We had several cars, trucks, a boat, a vacation home. We had a garage and storage space filled with boxes upon boxes... of anything and everything.

We worked several businesses, with new to-do’s and obligations popping up from every angle… we were just trying to keep up.

We were going through the motions. Hustling. And stressed.

So there came a day when we asked ourselves..why? Is this what we want, or just what got thrown at us by going through the motions without ever taking the time to question it?

Am I being effective? Am I satisfied, filled with purpose? Am I happy?

It was then that we decided to sell everything, step out of our day to day grind with fresh perspective, and made a resolve to get our control back.

Our mission is to help you uncover areas in your life that could benefit from a more mindful, intentional, value based approach!

Here are a few posts to give you an idea of what to expect at Tastefully Minimalist

Minimalism For Beginners: A Practical Guide To A Simple Life
The Subtle Art Of Downshifting Life (5 Surprising Benefits)
Restore The 7 Key Elements You Need For Living a Simple Life

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