In this post we are going to cover the key factors to building a minimalist wardrobe, and the benefits of doing so.
Here we explore a few vital steps that are commonly overlooked, and how they might be hindering your wardrobe goals.
If you’re ready to create more ease in your day by building a minimalist wardrobe you love, then this post is for you!
Let’s get started..
Creating The Perfect Minimalist Wardrobe
Do you want a minimalist wardrobe? Are you sick and tired of your cluttered closet? Do you have lots of clothes but “nothing to wear”?
I know how you feel! I used to have an exploding closet too. And I really love clothes. I even make some of my own clothes so fashion definitely has a place in my life.
But I also have a minimalist wardrobe.
How did that happen? Honestly, it was a long journey for me. I have been living the minimalist lifestyle for about 10 years, but I wouldn’t have claimed a real life minimalist wardrobe till about three years ago.
That being said, I know why it is so hard to simplify your wardrobe. Having finally figured it out for myself, I know exactly how to help you build a minimalist wardrobe you love!
I am convinced I could have reached my goal of having a minimalist wardrobe much faster if I had known what steps I actually needed to take, and had taken them in the right order.
What does a minimalist closet look like?
The problem is this: When you hear about a minimalist wardrobe, or you see capsule wardrobe ideas online, you think that the first step you have to take is to get rid of most of your clothes.
When that’s done, you think you have to buy a bunch of tan, black, and white clothing that matches the example minimalist wardrobe capsule on Pinterest.
But does that actually work?
It didn’t work for me. It just led me into a vicious cycle of getting rid of clothes and buying new ones I didn’t really like, and then buying more clothes I actually wanted to wear and then getting rid of clothes again.
If that sounds familiar to you I beg you to stop running around in circles and take ALL the steps necessary to build a minimalist wardrobe that works for your style and your life.
How do you build an ultimate minimalist wardrobe?
I have found there to be 7 key steps to obtaining your ideal minimalist wardrobe.
Let’s get started!

1. Know Your Worth
Before you even start thinking about your clothes you have to think about how you feel about yourself. You have to know your own worth.
Is that really so surprising? After all, the clothes we choose to wear are really tools we use to tell others what we want them to know about us. They can shine a spotlight on what we like, and hide what we hate about ourselves.
So how do you really feel about yourself? What do you tell yourself about your personal appearance and your inner value?
I challenge you to name five internal qualities you love about yourself. Then find three external physical traits you like when you look in the mirror.
Once you have found those things in yourself, start being your own cheerleader! Be kind to yourself.
When you build your self-worth you will finally realize that you are valuable no matter what you wear!
2. Define Your Personal Style
Once you know how amazing you are inside and out, it’s time to define your personal style.
Defining my personal style was another step I kept skipping on my failed attempts to create a minimalist wardrobe, but it is absolutely vital. Why? Because until you know your style you will keep buying clothes you don’t actually want to wear.
How do you find your personal style? It’s easy!
Go to your closet and look at the clothes you already own, the ones you actually like to wear, and put a name to the styles you find there.
Most of my clothing can be defined as bohemian, vintage, or classic. What about you? Are you preppy, rocker, glam, goth, country, professional or athletic?
Even if you don’t think you have a personal style, I am sure you have styles you gravitate towards. These are the styles that make you feel true to your inner self when you wear them.
Choose 2 or 3 styles you really love, and want to cultivate in your wardrobe.
3. Declutter Your Closet
After you know your value and your style, you are finally ready to declutter your closet. It’s time to pare down in a serious way. So what should you get rid of?
What items are in a minimalist wardrobe?
First, look for things that don’t fit you well or are worn out. Get rid of those things right away and stop waiting to fit into all those guilt-inducing skinny clothes.
Next, look for things that you never wear because they aren’t really your style, or are itchy and uncomfortable. And don’t forget the clothes and shoes you will never have the occasion to wear. Just because you spent good money on them doesn’t mean they get to take up space in your closet.
With these guidelines, you are likely to get rid of a HUGE amount of clothing. Don’t worry if your closet is still on the full side. You will get stronger and be ready to let go of more later.
4. Organize Your Closet
Now it’s time to organize your closet! Let’s go buy some magic organizing solutions at the big box store of boxes!
Wait. You don’t have to do that!
Getting rid of a lot of clothes really helps with the organizing part. Look at your clothing and the organizing solutions you already have. The odds are good that you will be able to fit the clothing you have in your dresser and on the hangers you already own.
If all your clothes don’t fit, you have two options. Either let go of more, or buy only the organizing solutions you actually need.
If you want to make your closet look fancy that’s up to you, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with a minimalist wardrobe.
5. Learn How to Mix and Match
Now that you have fewer options in your closet you will have to wear the same thing over and over again. Right?
Not necessarily. I know there are a lot of minimalists who encourage people to be outfit repeaters, but I am an outfit mixologist because I like to break the minimalist fashion rules.
I don’t have a huge number of clothing items, but I still have fun mixing and matching what I do have in different combinations.
You too can be an outfit mixologist with a colorful capsule wardrobe. Just pick 2 or 3 great colors for the season, have some neutral basics, and keep trying out new combinations.
You will be surprised how much variety a minimalist wardrobe can offer!
6. Take Better Care of Your Clothes
Congratulations! You have created a minimalist wardrobe that fits your style and your life!
Now that you only have clothes you love to wear you will want to take better care of them. After all, these aren’t just throw-away clothes that you don’t like anyway. You are done with fast fashion mistakes.
How can you take better care of your clothes? Will it take a lot of work? Not really. Simply don’t wash your clothes till they are actually dirty, take time to spot treat stains, wear undershirts to protect your sweaters, and wash according to the instructions.
Also, storing your clothing appropriately will help it last longer and serve you better. Knits should be folded so they don’t stretch in funky ways from the hanger. Fabrics that wrinkle easily should be hung up. And no clothing deserves to be crammed anywhere.
7. Shop Better!
What about the future? Clothes wear out. Styles and bodies change. Life circumstances require new outfits. How can you shop without messing up your minimalist closet?
The answer is this: Shop thoughtfully.
Stop buying clothes for fun. Only shop when you need something. When you do go shopping, don’t settle for things that are just alright but take your time to find the right things. For every item you buy, consider letting go of at least one item you already have.
You may also want to do your research about fast fashion and learn to buy clothing in a way that is more friendly to the environment and the people who make your clothes.
When you carefully curate your closet instead of randomly buying cute junk on sale you will be able to maintain a minimalist wardrobe that changes with your life!
Final Thoughts
Do You Want a Minimalist Wardrobe You Love?
Like I said, finding my minimalist wardrobe wasn’t easy but it was definitely worth it.
Now that I have a minimalist wardrobe, I get dressed easily each morning, and I feel more confident wearing clothes I know look good on me.
But more than that, a minimalist wardrobe is key to living the minimalist lifestyle because it really does simplify everything, and gives me more time and mental energy to reach for my goals.
Do you want a minimalist wardrobe? Follow these steps and find closet simplicity today!
What About You?
What step (or steps) are you most inspired to get started on?
Let us know in the comments below!